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What does your online presence say about your nonprofit? If you haven’t pondered this question, perhaps you should. Why? For starters, more people than ever are using the internet to research volunteer & donor opportunities.
Your website and online image can make or break your ability to attract new volunteers, donors, and clients.
First impressions are everything. How can you make sure that you are portraying the right message about your brand? GuideStar and VolunteerHub have partnered up to offer a free educational webinar in October: How to Spot a “Good” Nonprofit. In this webinar, we’ll provide helpful tips for getting the most from your online presence. We’ll show you what other organizations are doing to get more volunteers, constituents, and donors through trust-building activities. Furthermore, we’ll discuss the importance of building a strong social media presence and the impact it can have on volunteer and donor recruitment.
If you couldn’t make the original presentation on October 16th, please click here to watch the recording.
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