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Most likely, your CRM is not converting volunteers to donors. Why is this? There may be a significant tool your organization is missing. Integrating with volunteer management software could be the solution you are looking for. This is key when converting volunteers to donors.
Your CRM organizes your supporters’ data, but you may be missing the volunteers who have not made any financial contributions. This is a missed opportunity for your nonprofit. Collecting all donor and volunteer data increases conversions and monetary contributions. Here is how an integration point can truly take your organization to the next level:
Seamless integration with these systems will automate daily tasks and eliminate errors. Automating administrative tasks can save your staff countless hours of unnecessary work. In seconds you can view supporters who have made a financial contribution, volunteered, or other relevant data your nonprofit requires.
This will give your nonprofit the entire perspective of which marketing efforts are working and which are not. This data will show your team how and why people are giving to your cause. By having a 360-degree view of constituent data, your nonprofit can yield larger dividends.
Updating volunteer information will be automatically requested when using volunteer management software. The system will automatically prompt volunteers to update their information. When syncing your CRM and volunteer management system you can rest assured all information is correct and up to date.
When your volunteer data is incorrect, you may miss communicating with someone who would like to hear from your nonprofit. This could be another missed opportunity. Engaging with all of your supporters is an important step when converting volunteers to donors.
Since all of your constituent data is in one place, it is a perfect opportunity to automate communication with your supporters.
Volunteer CRMs can also disperse information quickly while keeping a personal touch. Combining volunteer list segmentation with emails and text messages allows you to communicate the right message at the right time.
Educate your volunteers on what is happening with your organization. Allow them to feel a part of your cause by communicating every triumph and/or opportunity. Show supporters how your organization can use their financial contributions to impact your nonprofit. Your supporters want to see how their money and time is helping your cause.
Most likely your organization has supporters that are contributing on a higher level. They give more than the majority of your supporters. Using an integration point will allow you to see who these supporters are. You can tailor communications with them to recognize their contributions.
Sending out individual communications to these supporters is a great way to make them feel special and show your appreciation for their donations. Communicating with volunteers can create loyalty and retention for years to come.
Don’t let your conversions fall flat! Using an integration point for your CRM and volunteer management software is key when converting volunteers to donors. An integration point could be the solution your team is looking for.
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