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If you had the opportunity to exchange one work day for a day of volunteering what organization would you choose to give your time to? Volunteering increases morale and community brand awareness. When businesses give their employees the opportunity to use their time for volunteer, it can be mutually beneficial for the employee and employer.
During Giving Tuesday VolunteerHub gave their employees a day off to volunteer with a cause they were passionate about. Every employee had their own idea as to how they would like to give their time.
Employees participating in everything from robotics building competitions to helping athletes with intellectual disabilities enjoy their first ski experience.
By VolunteerHub allowing their employees to step out of the office for a day of service, they were able to increase company morale. This was also a great way for them to build a culture of giving within their organization.
“I really appreciated the opportunity to get out of the office to volunteer my time. It’s always good to get out from behind the desk, enjoy the fresh air, get your hands dirty, and all while helping to make a difference in the community,” said Jennifer Udan, Customer Support Representative at VolunteerHub.
Giving employees a day of service not only increased morale within the company but also inspired continued giving.
“My day of service motivated me to start giving blood again. I have given in the past but lately I would just make excuses. Now I’m ready to keep giving as often as I can,” said Landon Davis, Senior Developer at VolunteerHub.
VolunteerHub’s day of service not only impacted the community but the individuals giving their time. This day of service was a great way for employees to get back into the volunteering spirit. Helping others is contagious and can truly make a difference for everyone involved.
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