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If you are considering a job in this field, then our article is for you. Following are a few tips that can point you in the right direction.
Research the job itself – If you have volunteered for an organization, you probably have seen the coordinator position from the outside looking in. However, at that point, you are only seeing part of the picture. Like most other jobs, the volunteer coordinator position is a lot like synchronized swimming: there’s much more going on beneath the surface than meets the eye. A volunteer coordinator generally wears many hats: interviewer, manager, recruiter, trainer, planner, and more. For additional information on the skills and qualities a good volunteer coordinator should possess, click here.
Talk with volunteer coordinators – The best way to get a feel for the job is to “pick the brain” of a couple of individuals who already hold the position. This allows you to find out the real story of the positives and negatives of the job and what life is like in the nonprofit sector. Perhaps a volunteer coordinator would allow you to shadow him or her for a few hours (or a day) so you can see what goes on with volunteers as well as behind the scenes.
“Volunteer” to become a volunteer coordinator – A study by the Urban Institute found that 40 percent of nonprofits did not have a paid volunteer coordinator. This, of course, shows there is still a market for volunteer coordinators — paid or unpaid. We’ve written in the past that volunteer experience is a definite leg-up when it comes to your resume, and this situation is no different. Approaching a nonprofit with the offer of giving your time to coordinate volunteers may help you garner a paid position later at either that organization or another agency.
Update your LinkedIn profile with relevant job experience – Be sure to keep your LinkedIn information current. This is a great way to network, and potential employers use this as a tool to find qualified individuals. Conversely, of course, you can also leverage your profile to find job opportunities as well.
Use GuideStar’s Exchange to review nonprofits in your area – GuideStar is a 501(c)(3) that invites nonprofits to share information such as its mission, impact, finances, programs, and more. Enter a town’s name in GuideStar’s search box and it will yield all IRS-registered nonprofit organizations in that area. This will allow you to do the necessary legwork to find out which of these agencies have open job postings. Click here to visit GuideStar’s website.
So, do you have what it takes to be a volunteer coordinator? In the final analysis, ask yourself…
If the answer to most of these questions is “yes,” you could be well on your way to a career as a successful volunteer coordinator.
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