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Choosing cost-effective marketing strategies for promoting your nonprofits volunteer and donor opportunities can be challenging. There are many avenues that can be used to promote opportunities so it can be hard to identify which strategy makes the most logistical sense for your organization.
What works for one nonprofit may not work for another so you should base your decisions ultimately on what strategies are going to best reach your target prospects. The best way to achieve the goal of understanding your prospects and how to reach them is to create volunteer and donor persona’s and analyze this data for patterns. You will also want to decide what your goal is when advertising to your prospects.
In today’s blog post we will examine three low-cost marketing strategies that your nonprofit may want to explore further.
SEO is the process of targeting and attracting website traffic organically in the SERPs (search engine results page). Nonprofits can use SEO techniques to identify keywords that prospects are searching for and optimize content to rank in the search results.
SEO is a great strategy for nonprofits who are on a budget and cannot afford to invest heavily in paid advertising techniques. Keep in mind that SEO takes a substantial time commitment, and is a process that does not end. Once you’re nonprofit optimize a keyword for first page results you must work on maintaining your position.
Here are a few techniques to keep in mind when crafting an SEO strategy for your nonprofit:
If you would like to learn more about the fundamentals of SEO or marketing strategies to take your SEO to new levels check out the helpful tips available on Search Engine Land.
Social media marketing is another low-cost strategy that nonprofits can use to increase brand exposure, promote CTA’s, and build a following. Did you know that on average nonprofits only allocate ¼ of one full-time employee to manage their social media efforts?
In order to be successful on social media, your nonprofit will have to commit and allocate time to reap success.
Here are a few thoughts to keep in mind when crafting a social media strategy for your nonprofit:
Here are a few social media platforms that your nonprofit may want to leverage in your social media strategy (You will want to create a unique strategy and approach for engaging with audiences across platforms):
Facebook – Build an audience quickly and drive off-platform conversion.
Pinterest – Focus efforts on storytelling by using visual content to attract prospects.
Twitter – Use hashtags to target specific audience groups.
LinkedIn – Create unique content with a professional tone to attract decision makers and corporate funding.
Google Plus – Integrate your social media content with your other Google products (Gmail, Google Places). This platform is ideal for localization.
Marketing has taken a shift over the last few years. We hear a lot about inbound marketing strategies and less about outbound. Outbound strategies like email marketing are still some of the most effective advertising avenues in the nonprofit sector. A recent study found that 88% of nonprofits said that their most important communication tool currently is email.
Here are a few very interesting statistics about email marketing in 2017:
As you can see from the data points above email marketing is far from dead in 2017.
Email like every other marketing channel is evolving. Automation, personalization, and mobilization are three variables that you will want to incorporate into your email marketing strategy in 2017 for optimal success.
Here are a few tips for creating mobile-optimized email campaigns:
Check out “Email Campaign Tips to Take Your Nonprofit Marketing to New Heights”
There are plenty of low-cost ways that your nonprofit can increase brand exposure, reach your target prospects, and build a community of followers. SEO, social media marketing, and email marketing are just three of many strategies that your nonprofit may want to explore.
Regardless of what marketing strategies you’re nonprofit choose you will want to consistently measure and analyze the success of your strategies.
Are your nonprofit marketing efforts engaging volunteers? Download our study on how to enhance organizational wide engagement (download below)
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