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Volunteerism looks great on a resume. People who volunteer demonstrate they are committed to a cause – without promise of financial compensation. Just imagine all the good they can do if a salary is added to the mix!
Simply stated, the experience that your volunteers gain directly translates into the work world. All too often, however, people shy away from including volunteer work on their resumes because they’re afraid it will be seen as irrelevant.
If you’ve never encouraged your volunteers to list your organization on their resumes, we hope this guide will prompt you into action. Feel free to share this guide with all of your volunteers, donors, and stakeholders.
Have a resource you’d like to add to the list? Tweet your ideas and helpful links to @VolunteerHub.
How to Include Volunteer Work on Your Resume
Should you include volunteer work on your resume? Absolutely! This article by Alison Doyle, a job search expert from About.com, highlights a few creative ways to do just that. Be sure to check out the sample resume link at the bottom of the article.
Helping Volunteers to Market Their Experience on Their Resumes
While it may not fall under your job description as a volunteer coordinator, volunteers may sometimes look to you for resume advice. When and if the situation presents itself, you’ll want to be prepared to provide the best guidance possible. Here are 11 helpful tips you can pass along to volunteers when writing resumes. https://www.energizeinc.com/art/resumes.html
Put Volunteering to Work on Your Resume
If you’re not including volunteer work on your resume, you’re missing out. As this article from Serve.gov points out, “41 percent of professionals considered volunteer work as much as paid work when evaluating job candidates.” Read this article and learn how to put your volunteer skills to work on your resume. http://www.serve.gov/?q=servegov-blog-article/put-volunteering-work-your-resume
Resume Tips for Volunteers
Don’t think you can list volunteer experience on a resume? Think again. Here are a few creative tips for including volunteer skills on your next resume.
Colleges Give High Marks for Volunteerism
Acceptance to college is more than just good test scores. Volunteerism is playing a greater role in many instances. For several years now, universities have noticed an increase in the amount of high school grads with a great degree of volunteer experience. So, what can young volunteers do to separate themselves from the crowd? Continue reading to find out. http://www.volunteerhub.com/blog/colleges-give-high-marks-for-volunteerism/
How to Present Volunteer Activities on a Resume
Believe it or not, employers do pay attention to a job candidate’s volunteer experience – that is, if the resume is well-written. When including volunteer activities on a resume, there are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind. This article, by Louise Polis of Career Pro Resume Center, highlights several excellent strategies volunteers can use to ensure their experiences don’t go unnoticed. https://www.gvsu.edu/service/how-to-present-volunteer-activities-on-a-resume-68.htm
How to Write a Great Recommendation for a Volunteer
As a volunteer coordinator, you’ve probably been asked to write a few letters of recommendation for volunteers. If you’ve ever struggled with knowing what to include on these letters, here are nine tips to keep in mind that can make the writing process a lot easier. http://calservesvip.blogspot.com/2011/07/how-to-write-great-recommendation-for.html
Leverage Volunteer Work on Your Resume
Do you have volunteer experience? If you’re a new grad, career changer, or someone who is reentering the workforce, you can (and should) be using your volunteer skills to your advantage. This article, by Kim Isaacs of Monster.com, explores a few ways job seekers can successfully leverage volunteer work when putting together a resume. http://career-advice.monster.com/resumes-cover-letters/resume-writing-tips/leverage-volunteer-work-on-resume/article.aspx
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